If the current trends continue, by 2030, 575 million people will still be living in extreme poverty. We, as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a mission to help…
No Hunger
More than 600 million people are projected to face hunger by 2030 if the food crisis continues. We, as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a mission to help…
Good Health & Wellbeing
25 million children missed out on necessary health immunizations in 2021. We, as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a mission to help reduce this number.
Better Education
Despite technology, the world is falling behind in youth literacy; by 2030, 300 million will lack basic literacy and numeracy. We, as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on…
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
At the current rate, it will take 286 years to close the gap in legal protection and remove discriminatory law. We as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a…
Clean water and sanitation for all
In 2022, 2.2 billion people lack safely managed drinking water with 3.5 billion lack safely managed sanitation. We as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a mission to help…
Affordable and Clean Energy
675 million people still live in the dark, and 4 out of 5 are in sub-Saharan Africa. We as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a mission to help…
Decent work and Economic Growth
2 billion workers are in precarious informal jobs without social protection with 1 in 4 youth people not in education. We as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a…
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
Co2 emissions reached 36.8 billion metric tons in 2022. We as Leavers to Leaders International Network, are on a mission to help reduce this number.